I 'guest blogged' at Borders True Romance yesterday.
I was a little nervous, it's one thing to have your own small blog that a handful of people check out (And I do appreciate it!) But to go on a major book chain blog was a little daunting!
My blog buddies made it so easy. A big, big shout out to the ladies at ROMANCE BANDITS.
The bandits and the bandit buddies that showed up really gave it a party/celebratory feel. Theirs was the first romance blog I ever checked out, and commented on. They really make you feel welcome. And what I learned about blogging, romance blogging in particular, I learned from them. They acknowledge every comment made, very important. They like to have fun, also a big plus, and they love to talk romance, hunky men, chocolate and everything in between. They answer emails. They are generous and fun-loving. These ladies, in a word...rock.
Another Big, big shout out to the ladies at THE ROMANCE DISH. Another great place to have fun, and like bandits, they interview authors, have book giveaways and a friendly, open atmosphere. The Dishers also review books. I learned a lot from them. I hope my own reviews reflect what I have learned. I consider myself a devoted 'dishee', LOL! Also, they answer emails, a big plus! And these ladies are also generous and fun-loving. If you can't have fun blogging, why bother? These ladies show how it is done.
And thanks to everyone else who dropped by yesterday and commented, it exceeded my expectations and literally blew me away!
Now, to my book reviews. As I state above, I will not be necessarily doing new releases. I review books as I read them, either from my bottomless box of second hand romances, or from my tiny library here in my even tinier town, or on occasion I do buy a new release (or win them!!).
In searching a favorite author on the web, I came across a particularly scathing review of a book I happen to love. This person's whole blog spewed vitriol and smarmy, smug reviews of romance books.
She took this author and her book and roasted it on a spit, then began chopping it into malicious mincemeat, laughing evilly while she served up her nasty meal.
OK, maybe I am overstating it a bit, but my point is, I am not going there.
I was going to list books that I DNF (do not finish) or throw in my recycle bag, (and there are a few) but I decided I am not doing that. It is not what I want my small blog to be about. I will write a review on a book that may disappoint me (I have already) But I will never trash a book or an author. There is enough nastiness or negativity in the world and out there on the internet.
Besides, it's all subjective anyway. Just because I like a book or particular sub-genre, doesn't mean you will. Book reviews are a guide, to make your own decision. And maybe, to entertain you. Again, I learned this at THE ROMANCE DISH. Let other blogs handle negative reviews, I won't be doing it. I will write reviews on books I like, and think others may like. If I think it is merely average, I will say so. Does the book reek? I will keep quiet. I always subscribed to the credo, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
Thanks for reading my ramble!
Coming soon, A review of Tessa Dare's 'Surrender of a Siren'
I think that's a good policy to have, Karyn, and I'm sure many authors will appreciate it. And congrats on your successful guest post at the Borders True Romance blog. :)
Karyn, I'm glad you had a great showing at the Borders True Romance blog. You can't go wrong when you talk about Nathan ;-)
Thanks for the shout out to The Romance Dish. We love when you stop by and comment on our reviews or blogs, and are glad to know you are a devoted "Dishee" - LOL! As you know we try to stay on the positive side of book reviews. I just can't see bashing a person's creativity and hard work, and that's not what we are about. You are correct, there is way too much nastiness out in cyberspace!!
I applaud you for your commitment!
Karyn, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to stop by on Saturday, but I was away from home for most of the day. Actually, most of the weekend! You'll be there every month? Same day every month? Or last Saturday of every month? I promise to stop by from now on. :)
Thank you so much for your kind words about our site and for your frequent presence there. We really appreciate it and wouldn't be half as successful without wonderful people like you who visit daily! (((hugs!)))
Karyn, WOOOHOOO on your success at the Borders blog, and a major high five on your policy to "say something nice."
Is every book a page-turner? No. And we don't have to lie about that. But do we do the world a favor when we are mean and trash those efforts that fall a little short? I think not.
Putting good energy into the world, and staying positive when we can is, I think, a good policy. And eventually when we do that, most of the mean people go away. *grin* Cuz, yaknow, when they act all mean, we keep changing the subject. *sheepish look*
And maybe, just maybe, as more and more of us climb on the "no being nasty" wagon, we'll start a trend.
Hoooray and a big toast to you for adding one more voice to what we and the Dishers have tried to do. Y'all are all awesome people and I think I can speak for the other Banditas when I say we are so proud to be a part of this community.
Karyn, congratulations on your success with the Borders blog and your regular gig! We're so pleased you like the Romance Bandits. You've been a great supporter of our blog.
I love historicals, too, so maybe we have some in common.
Hey, Karyn, really looking forward to your reviews. And you certainly started your Borders Blogging Career with a bang! That was such a fun column about Nathan and co. Actually as Buffie said, you can't go wrong talking about pretty men! Thanks so much for that shout out to the Bandits. As you know, we love seeing you over there. And I 100% agree with you about the Dishees too. Great gals all!
Hey Karyn - wanted to say congrats on your first blog with Borders. Sorry I missed it, but was out and about all weekend. Do let us know when you're up next, so we can follow you.
Thanks for being one of our fab BB's - our Romance Bandits blog couldn't work without the support of wonderful people like you.
And absolutely agree on the Dishy Dames - they're awesome!
Big yay from me on the way you do reviews BTW.
Sorry, I couldn't get to your blog at Borders yesterday, Karyn. I didn't hear about it until this morning but I did go out and read it. Great job. Talking about handsome men always brings out the comments.
Karyn, you know that I think you do great reviews and I like your philosophy about reviewing books/authors. Stay true to yourself and your ideals.
The Ladies at TRD and RB are super and they always make a person feel welcome.
Congrats on your monthly posting at Trueromance. You rock, woman!
~Friends and cheers,
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