Thursday, September 5, 2013

Coming to Trade Paperback ~The Wicked Bad~Up for Pre-Order!

Now, this isn't print on demand, (POD) but actual trade paperbacks of THE WICKED BAD. This is a first for me, a book of mine will be ON A SHELF. In a brick and mortar store!  Barnes and Noble, to be exact.

Call me cynical, I'll believe it when I see it. I know how the pub biz goes, I don't get my hopes up for anything anymore. I have no idea when this will happen or how many stores in what parts of the United States.

Since I'm Canadian, I am hoping if it does come about, someone will take a picture for me.

In the meantime, the trade paperback is up for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes and Noble showing a release date of December 18th.

It is on sale at B and N right now for *11.45 (reg 12.99) click HERE

The price at Amazon fluctuates all the time, not sure why. Right now it is on sale for *11.69, it was 9.83 last week  Click HERE

*price at time of post. The price goes up and down at both places on a regular basis.

I have absolutely no expectations for sales in paperback, but I will say I am honored to be one of six books chosen by Crimson Romance for this opportunity. Hope the book being available in some B and N stores all comes about.  *fingers crossed*  Congrats to the other authors.

Meanwhile, I am working on book 2. Or trying to. :)


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