Wednesday, January 19, 2022

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Eloping with the Laird by Jeanine Englert @ERomNews #Giveaway @rararesources #Historical @JeanineWrites


Eloping with the Laird

A man she can trust…

With her life…and her heart?

Ordered by her father to choose a husband by the end of the Highland Games—or he will select one for her—widow Moira Fraser hastily elopes with Rory McKenna, Laird of Blackmore. But they soon discover neither is free of the past. Rory has a price on his head, and needs an heir as soon as possible, and Moira’s horrible first marriage has left her afraid of letting her new husband close…


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Extract from Chapter 1 of Jeanine Englert’s Eloping with the Laird

for E-Romance News:


Context: In the opening scene of the book, widow Moira Fraser is out walking the meadow with her brother Ewan as the Tournament of Champions is ongoing. She has been tasked with selecting a husband before the games are over, otherwise her father will select one for her. Her brother has told her of a few possibilities as they watch the men compete. This is when she first sees our hero, Rory McKenna, and begins to believe he may be her perfect future husband for a very unusual reason.


Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Eloping with the Laird:


Her gaze skipped along other men dotting the field like a rock skipping along water before clunking into the abyss. A man she’d never seen before sat alone far off from the crowd atop one of the last of the timbers the soldiers had set out for those who wished to watch the men compete. The man’s dark features and flat brow read boredom and his scowl irritation, which was exactly how she felt. For a moment, at least one person shared her disdain for the day, which warmed her spirit.

‘What of him?’ Moira squinted and quirked her lips. ‘The one sitting alone in the back. He wears a noble crest on his overcoat. Who is he?’

Ewan shook his head. ‘Laird Rory McKenna? Nay, Moira. He is not an option. Have you not heard about Black Rory?’

‘Black Rory? What are you talking about?’ She watched the man, and he stiffened as if he’d felt the intensity of her gaze. She stepped back to shield herself in the shadowy leaves of the rowan tree.

‘They say he’s ill, gravely ill.’ Ewan dropped his voice low. ‘Some sort of family curse. He grows weaker by the day. His uncle is eager for him to marry as Rory is a laird and has no male siblings or cousins, but no one wishes to bind their daughter to a dying man.’

Moira perked up, raising her head higher, boldly staring at the man as he stood. Rory McKenna was tall and wore grey trews that showed his rather muscular legs. A black collarless frock coat with large cuffs detailed in silver buttons covered an equally pleasing upper torso. Not exactly the look of a dying man. His dark hair was wavy, perhaps even a bit long for fashion, but it flattered his sharp features. He had a commanding air about him, and his scrutinising eyes didn’t seem to miss anything. ‘Are you making this up to trick me? He doesn’t seem ill. He’s quite fit. And you and I both know curses are nonsense.’

Ewan leaned closer, dropping his voice to a whisper. ‘Every single direct male descendant of the McKenna family has died before the age of four and twenty for generations. Ask anyone. And if that isn’t a curse, what is?’

‘You just stated his uncle lives. Doesn’t that in itself prove the curse to be untrue?’ She frowned at him and crossed her arms against her chest. She knew it seemed too perfect an option to have merit.

‘It is long rumoured that his uncle was sired by a man other than a McKenna. He has never made a claim for laird either, so it is largely accepted as truth.’

Her curiosity peaked. She studied McKenna’s easy fluid movements as he approached the edge of the field where men were practising shooting at various targets. ‘His age now?’ she enquired, a bit breathless and eager for her brother’s answer. Maybe he could be an answer to her prayers after all.

‘Three and twenty. They say he only has months to live.’

Her stomach fluttered and flipped. Those were exactly the words she longed to hear.

She much preferred the idea of being a widow than a wife.

She sucked in a steadying breath, squared her shoulders and pressed a kiss to Ewan’s cheek. ‘Thank you, brother. I believe I have just found my future husband.’

‘You can’t be serious?’ Ewan cocked his head.

‘And why wouldn’t I be? He is a laird, pleasing to look upon and days away from death.’

He clutched her arm. ‘You cannot throw away your future because of the past.’

‘I won’t be,’ she whispered. ‘This, he, is how I shall seize my future without having to comply to the demands of a husband for the rest of my days.’ For what man would have her after burying two husbands before the age of five and twenty? They’d believe she was cursed, and she would fan such gossip until it burst into flame.




Author Bio –

Jeanine Englert’s love affair with mysteries and romance began with Nancy Drew, Murder She Wrote, and her Grandmother’s bookshelves full of romance novels. She is a VIVIAN® and Golden Heart® Finalist as well as a Silver Falchion, Maggie, and Daphne du Maurier Award Winner in historical romance and mystery. Her Scottish Highland historical and historical romantic suspense novels revolve around characters seeking self-acceptance and redemption. When she isn’t wrangling with her characters on the page, she can be found trying to convince her husband to watch her latest Masterpiece or BBC show obsession. She loves to talk about books, writing, her beloved rescue pups, as well as mysteries and romance with other readers. Visit her website at

Social Media Links –






Instagram: jeaninewrites

Warm up with a Scottish Highland Giveaway! (Open to UK / US)


Cozy up with a beautiful cashmere scarf made in Scotland, some book swag, and a Scottish Blessings bracelet while you read my latest Highlander romance, Eloping with the Laird! I hope you enjoy this first book in the Falling for a Stewart series! Happy reading! 


*Terms and Conditions –UK & US entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will be passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.

1 comment:

Jeanine Englert said...

Thank you so much E-Romance News for taking part in my blog tour! I appreciate all of your support and for sharing the excerpt from Eloping with the Laird with your readers!
