Tuesday, January 11, 2022

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Her Legendary Highlander by Nicole Locke @ERomNews #Giveaway #HarlequinHistorical @NicoleLockeNews @rararesources

Her Legendary Highlander

Her rugged prisoner

…becomes her fiercest protector

Capturing legendary Highlander Malcolm of Clan Colquhoun was Andreona’s last chance to win her tyrannical father’s respect. Instead he orders them both to be killed! Resigned to her devastating role as the family outcast, she and her prisoner escape and continue on his quest to return a treasured heirloom. They find solace in their unexpected passion, but haunted by a lifetime of betrayals, will either dare to hope it could last beyond their journey?

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There’s so much in Malcolm and Andreona’s story that I am not giving any spoilers when I reveal a snippet of their happily ever after.

The scene: It’s Medieval Scotland. The two lovers are outdoors under the canopy of a tree that has gnarled roots tumbling above ground. The horror that has plagued them the entire book has been resolved and now it’s just the two of them.


‘I love you,’ he said.

After all he had said and done? ‘I know.’

‘You do have me,’ he continued. ‘When your father left, you had me.’

‘I know that, too.’ She’d always known that; she had only hoped he would recognise it.

‘It hurts to love you, Andreona.’

She didn’t know what to say to that.

‘But what does it say about me that, despite the pain, I do it anyway?’

She turned in his arms to face him fully. ‘It says you love me,’ she said.

‘With all the thorns, the knowing you could betray, mistrust, or abandon me. Despite knowing there can be loss, I do.’

After hearing that her father had ordered her death, she’d felt such devastation, loss...but also simply feeling lost. Then to go from that to this joy. That’s what was piercing her now with Malcolm’s words. Simply joy. Did he not feel that way, too?

‘Love doesn’t have to hurt, Malcolm.’

‘It does when I’ve been empty for so long. It hurts because it overflows and my heart doesn’t know what to do with it all and it’s making a mess inside my chest. I have trouble breathing around you.’

This man. Their journey hadn’t been easy, but now they were here, it was the easiest thing ever. She’d have to show him how easy it was. Just as soon as she could look up at him without her tears blurring her vision. The very moment, she could talk through the little hiccups and sobs leaving her throat and chest.


‘I’m happy, Malcolm, give me a moment.’

He curled his finger under her chin and lifted her eyes to his. She knew her nose was red, her eyes puffy from too many tears.

‘This is happiness?’ he said. ‘It doesn’t look much better than love feels.’

Oh, so many more words…but I really will spoil it if I share more!

Author Bio –

Nicole first discovered romance novels hidden in her grandmother’s closet. Convinced hidden books must be better, Nicole greedily read them. It was only natural she should start writing them (but now not so secretly). If she isn’t working on the next book in her historical series, she can’t be found. No, seriously. Because she’s always working on the next story!

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Giveaway – Win a Signed Copy of Her Legendary Highlander (Open Internationally).

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